Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Social Talk. Text 59

Couch potato.

It was another frustrating day for Wendy as a potato, she was exhausted, and barely moved her legs. It was hard to get to the couch. She almost managed to relax when Diana run into the living room.

- Mom, I've got another job! - she shouted happily, - I guess soon we'll be able to buy us a table.

Wendy was to tired to argue, therefore she just asked.

- Aren't you working at the uncle Martin's facility?

- Sure I am. But he needs me only twice a week, so I have plenty of free time for another job like this. And besides, I like it.

- And what are you supposed to do? - asked Wendy slowly.

- I'm not supposed, I'm already done. Just finished my first task and earn almost one hundred dollars. Could you believe that? - she was so exited, that Wendy didn't object, but give her a smile, though it was her last piece of will.

- I'm proud of you. - said Wendy, - And your dad will proud of you, I must admit I succeed as a parent. But anyway, what is your job about?

- I just finished creating invitation letters for wedding. It is a nice clean card with golden stripes over the edges, and a silvery branch of olive tree, some birds, flowers and text of course. But they loved it so much. It was just a beginning mom, I've got so many ideas about decorating a vine glasses or tiny golden embroideries on towels, or..

- Do you really want to do this? - Wendy interrupted her. - What about uncle Martin, he'll be upset if you quit him.

- I'm not going anywhere, - replied Diana, with slight anger, - you are not listening to me. I'm doing almost the same job at the factory, but here I have not only soldiers design to create, but whole wedding style. And I'm starting from invitation letters.

- I don't understand how you will handle it. Young couple spending one hundred dollars on, how many?, four cards?, you even couldn't imagine how expensive her dress is.

- I don't care about her dress. - said Diana, - All I want is to make a nice looking thing, which can make me proud of it. - Diana was shaking a little, her temper was rising.

- Pour girl, - said Wendy, - you will be making stuff for rich people. And we are not so rich, - she concluded, - sorry for that.

- You are not listening to me again! - cried Diana, - I don't care about their money, I want them to be happy, I want to make it with things made on my own. - and in a moment she was in her bedroom, while Wendy instantly fell asleep on the couch.

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