Friday, September 30, 2011

Social Talk. Text 103.

The one with music.

All of them are the same. They have proposed me limousines, corsages and even champagne, which is interesting, but their lines have no difference, besides the name. Boys can be so boring. Why Eric had to use exact words that Lori said yesterday? It made his proposal bleak and meaningful just like Lori himself, even though Eric is cute. I guess if no ask follows with at least different lines, I won't go at all. Who wants to spend a prom with bad made replica of a prince on white horse?


I have thought that previous proposals were bad, but another three calls in two hours made me change my mind. I even can't imagine what the last one was hoping for, having dialed my number. I guess now he wishes that I would forget his name and how he looks. I bet it wouldn't be hard.

When phone rang again, I thought that such conversations even might be funny, if I hadn't tried to be serious, so I decided to try this.

- Hello.

- Hi, it's Charlie. I just wanted to ask you. Would you go to the prom with me? But I must warn you to wear comfortable shoes. Five block it's not big a deal, but anyway kicks will kill you.

- Are you going to go there? Aren't you supposed to book a limo?

- I don't really like limo, but we can take bus number sixty two. It will drop us right next to the venue.

- I don't really like proms Charles. I'd better stay at home.

- Come on Di. You know what, I will even let you listen my iPod.

(P.S. Charles is a friend of Diana from Social Talk 17. They used to work on uncle Martin's factory. And sometimes they were listening the music, sharing headphones from a single iPod that Diana had.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Social Talk. Text 102.

The one with the best years.

Which year could have been the best? I guess no one can give you a sheer answer to such question. Cause picking one year, you make other look less happier, but how this could be true. How could you even compare your kindergarten play-yard with your school hiking trip? How can you measure your first travel abroad or your first love? It will be something like five pounds, six meters and four degrees in total. Nice comparison.

Having thought about my life, made me remember every tiny detail from each year, that had made it special. Like my first bicycle ride, or my first broken leg, like my graduation, or my birthday party. And what is interesting, although none of those events are the same, they are quite equal in happiness level they had produced. And what is curious, if I hadn't been asked such question, I might have never understood that my best years are each one of my actual years.

And this means that life itself is the happiest thing that might happen with someone. Though you never know what lies behind next corner of your life, you can be sure that your life - is your happiness. And one of the keys to success - is sharing your happiness with people.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Social Talk. Text 101.

The one with cheating.

Actually, cheating is nothing, till it harms somebody in some way. Single persons life is insignificant to society and if someone had cheated more in one's childhood, I guess it wouldn't have influenced a lot of people. Maybe relatives, friends, and that's all. Cause most of child's cheating, if it were, was only about studying. Cheating for taking one grade higher, for example. Usually you would have got A instead of B, if you had cheated properly, but at the same time cheating might be your expelling.

Children's cheating isn't so harmful, but if being a child you hadn't stopped cheating, then adulthood cheating might be your worth nightmare. There will be nobody to take your responsibilities, because everyone has their own duties, and they simply don't have time to help you. If you are a hard-working kind of person, and you don't have to cheat, than probably, you must have studied well at your school days.

But what about those who are not so clever in ordinary stuff, but still have a high ranking position in society. What is interesting if you want to be on such place, you must be completely different person. Cause knowing how to rule people doesn't oblige you to know math.

Yet mistakes of such people, and what is worth, their purposeful cheating can have way bigger consequences. A factory manager money cheating can impact not only factory's reputation but also workers safety, who can die due to lack of new breathing mask for instance. In general, the more power you have, the more responsibility is behind your decisions. And I hope that phrase “Once a cheater – always a cheater” is not about you, or at least you should think about it.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Social Talk. Text 100.

Social Talk. Number one hundred.

Having written previous social talks gave me a lot of experience in both writing it quick and writing it properly. At the NewTone we're constantly increasing our skills not only by learning English grammar, but also by using no Russian language at all. And this means that we're talking a lot at our two hour classes, which leaves you a little room for your future social talk. But such situation has two contraries in it.

If we hadn't talked about our current unit topic a lot enough, we wouldn't have learned it properly, but when we had, we might have got a social talk that looked like a reflection of our previous lesson. Which is no so bad, cause we've been using learned grammar and words. But still, having written social talk with nothing but what we were discussing, made me understand that it could have been better.

Then our third week in NewTone had started and I invented the easiest way to avoid such annoyance of mine. Having faced another social story task, forced me to invent whole new way of writing them. In that day Longsters family had been born. It has been truly long story that helped me through all my talks. I've got a family that could survive almost everything, diseases and parting, hurricanes and fires, traveling to another countries and so on.

But there was one tiny issue. Having got so diverse life from me, they also have got quite unmanageable main storyline. And it became just like in any kind of a story, main character would have exploded, if it had been a real human.

Thats why now it's not more than previous social talks, and I guess I have to adjust my writing, in order no to be annoyed by it. Cause writing social talks is fun that I cannot miss.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Social Talk. Text 99.

The one with child development.

Having chosen your future child traits, you would probably wonder, what should you do to make that huge list became real?

That's obvious, you might think at first, all you need is just couple of sport or dance sections, and it'll be done. But what will happen when you face a fact that your child wants to be a tailor, for example, if you are a plummer in fifteenth generation?

I guess you will be shocked at your own reactions. Such as: "you will do what I said", "this is not for boys", or even "you will quit it immediately". Often we're selfish in such descisions, cause when we picked something for our child, we think it'll be the best thing to learn, and we'll never drop that line. Even despite constant argues and quarrels. Most vise thing to do for a child in such situation - is to obey parents will, and learn how to play this ridiculously large violin.

But if you are not sure what will be more suitable for your kid, it's probably better not to act at all. And if you heir is interested in some kind of activity, someday your son will say that he is singed into theater section in his school, or your daughter will ask money for the new drawing equipment for her painting section. But what is more important, it will be child's own choice, and if it doesn't make the job, at least it might be used as a good life experience of making right decisions.

Previously depicted options are not mandatory, and even more, they are not as good as the last one left. Be a friend to your child. Knowing and understanding younger generation needs might be difficult, but only to those who belong to strict or not confident parents. If you are a friend with your kid, you will know his needs, or her requests, and when it comes to a decision dance or culinary classes, you won't have any doubts.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Social Talk. Text 98.

The one with child’s traits.

Talking of a future child traits, we usually trying to describe ourselves, but with little tan of perfection. Which is good, but has nothing to do with reality. Because child, that had been grown in such way, gets not only oneself's inevitable flows, but also parental flows and mistakes they had been collecting for all their lives.

A reckless father will never bring up considerate and thoughtful son, unless he has enough courage to isolate child from his recklessness. And a candid and honest mother probably wouldn't have arrogant and boastful daughter.

With this in mind, I guess children must be obedient till certain age. But then parents should prepare them for living the nest, cause it's crucial for young person that wants to became an adult someday. That's why child must first of all be self-sufficient, and independent in ones decisions, since some so called adults keep calling parents in any kind of a problem or obstacle they have faced.

As you know, generous people are happier and healthier then their greedy fellows, that's why you should teach your future child how to be benevolent and liberal(free from superstitions) person, whos friends and family can always rely on. And you certainly will be in need for some help when you aer in your mid eighties.

But in spite of having all those soft features, you want your child to be strong in order to be ready for real life, and that's why usually people forget about the most important, about their child’s choices. Cause raising a child we never actually accepting a fact that teenager who had occupied one of your rooms is mature enough. Parents will never think their child is anything besides just a child.

Social Talk. Text 97.

The one with features.

Modern society is all about money. It can tell us that it's not true, but it is.

Because when we talk about green, environment friendly development, it means we need to spend billions of dollars to decrease CO2 emission. But at the same time we will have doubled CO2 emission because of new factories that trying to build new, more efficient and greener hardware. And it's just top of an iceberg. People are easily manipulated, and the weaker they are, the easily it can be done.

That's why feature number one for modern people is to be strong. Not with strength, but with will. You must have your own opinion, and you must use it. And when I say own, it means truly yours. Taking others opinion as your own is pointless, it makes your almost a slave. Developing, or better to say, finding your own opinion is not so hard, but it leads us to it's base - decisions.

Even a sheer decision of buying a yogurt requires some understanding from you. When does it expire, for example. But what about long term perspective? What if you find yourself faced buying a flat? Or just selecting right faculty before entering university. Or simple deciding whether to start going out with somebody or not. In fact any kind of taken responsibility implies thinking of it.

That's why thinking, I guess, is second most valuable feature that modern people must have. People that blindly follow others are useless to the society. Modern youth should have at least those two traits, in order to be appreciated by others and first of all be content with itself.

There are a lot of other good qualities, such as generosity, honesty, bravery and others, but they are not must, they will be, if you have both thinking ability, and strength to use your brain as your guide.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Social Talk. Text 96.

The one with happiness.

Making somebody happy is a hard, but yet possible task. Cause despite being selfish we're bound to be surrounded by others. If you try to avoid meeting people, you will understand how miserable you can be without them, or it might be beyond your level of comprehension. It depends.

What is interesting, usually we can tell what we would like happening to make our day. But what could have made it yesterday? What would your answer be, if you were asked it now? What could have made your day?

Sofie. Twenty one. - He had denied loving me when I asked him, but I know he does. I just wish he had guts to tell me.
Evan. Eleven. - Dad promised me spending whole day with him, but he was at work till dark. Wish he was fired.
Trevor. Ninety six. - I was eager about kissing Dora, but she doesn't quit smoking, so I just hugged her instead. I wish she had given up smoking.
July. - Day seemed to be alright. Everybody had social talk, remembered all the words, and even managed answering all the questions without hesitation. I wish every day were like yesterday.
Simon. Nine. - I wish I avoided that big woman in the pool, because enjoying underwater swimming, I closed my eyes.
Ben. One year old. - I liked mommy smiling at me. Let she does it again, or I could start crying accidentally.

As you can see there are plenty of things to be happy with, and I'm sure there is always one special that can make you happy in any day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Social Talk. Text 95.

The one with hair problem.

Last thing I remember was a bright light, engulfing me, then I collapsed. Strange, squeak sound woke me up. I was sitting in a chair, in a vast, dim lit room. After my eyes have adapted a little to the brightness level, I've understood that there is a human like creature in front of me.

It, or probably he, was 7 feet height, and his appearance was rather awkward, but not frightening at all. While he was approaching me I managed to take a closer look. His skin has captured my attention with it's pure white color and with no sing of any kind of hair on it.

His soft, jelly like, chubby hands and legs were inch by inch moving him towards me. And in a minute I already could see his his huge round face with petite beady eyes. There were no eyebrows whatsoever. But what has shocked me, that neither creatures lopsided nose, nor his smiling mouth, that I have seen from the distance, were there. I understood that it must have been flickering light reflection, but nothing else. Cold sweat has covered me in a matter of a seconds.

But then lights were turned on, and I was astonished by what I saw. Instead of narrowing, his eyes widened, revealing one by one three different irises, violet, navy blue and light green, followed by a raven black pupil. What was funny, is that this strange, unhuman, layered iris structure hasn't been strictly connected with pupil, they were moving separately. Freaky.

Next moment creatures silk white skin became translucent. I gasped. Behind skin surface, behind some floating colored spots and dots, I could clearly see a face. Smiling face of a receding man.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

NewTone second year.

We just started our second year in NewTone. Hope it would be as fun as the first one.

Social Talk. Text 94.


- Hello Helen, how's Hawaiian honeymoon? How's Howard?

- Hey Hannah. Honestly, happiest honeymoon history has had. Humble hotel, holy harbor, handsome husband.. however he has hurt his hand.

- How he handled honeymoon having his hand hurt?

- Hairy hotelkeeper Harry helped him. He had healing hemp.

- Huh..

- Howard hesitated, hence Harry hid his herb. However hand healed. He's happy.

- Heard Howard has hook hobby, hasn't he?

- He have hundred hooks, handmade hook hardware. Howard hired helicopter, heading herring's home - Hawaiian harbors. He had hooked huge herring heap.

- Happy holiday Helen.

- Highly happy, Hannah. Howard's hunting habit helped. Hunger hasn't had hotel's habitants.

- Hope holidays hadn't harm his heir hesitations.

- He's here - hanging. Hi husband. How's hunting?

- Hello honey. Hard hunt. Here's haul - hare, hamster.

- Hamsters holy here. Haven't heard?

- He hit Howard's hand, hate holy hamsters.